I'm addicted to polyvore. I must go on three times a day. Sometimes I stay on for hours creating what polyvorettes cal "sets". I'm betting most people have never heard of this, so I'll show some examples of what can be created.
Thanks for clicking here. You rock for that. Please comment on my outfits! Constructive criticism is always welcome, just BE NICE. Tell me what you might wear.
Sits around all day wishing $5,000 would just appear in her wallet at any given time. If you asked her her favorite designer, she would give you every label she's ever heard of. So don't ask, unless you want your ears to turn off and never turn back on again in an effort to avoid the excessive Italian names being said. Has one cat and three chickens, but the cat is more afraid of the chickens then they are of him. Kitty just hides under deck table waiting until his nightmare is over. Girl figure skates on synchronized team and by herself three times a week. Fashion mag junkie.
Sorry about the third person. Nuff said.